Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!

April 22, 2012
Today is Sunday April 22nd, otherwise known as my wonderful mother’s birthday! I cannot wait to wish her a Happy Birthday later this afternoon when I speak to her and my dad over Skype. It should be great!

I have had quite a busy weekend. Friday night I went to an olive oil tasting, which I wrote about already. Yesterday (Saturday), I hung around the house all day doing homework and just being a bum. At 7:30 pm last night I left the house with Amy and Tesla to meet up with Shannon and Malissa on Ronda. Once we met up with went to a bar to watch the Real Madrid-F.C. Barcelona futbol game. We went to a tapas bar and have a few drinks while we watched the game. The game turned out to be fairly boring…Madrid won 2-1, which is sad since I was rooting for Barcelona. Unfortunately Barcelona just seemed to be having a bad night because they were not playing like their usual selves. Ahh well, it was fun anyways.

Today I planned on going hiking with my Intercambio group at 10 am, so I had to wake up at 9 am. So early! Especially since I didn’t go to bed till after 4 am…Anyways we planned to meet at Puerta Real and when I got there Chris was the only one there, and I arrived at exactly 10 am. We ended up waiting for 15 minutes for more people to show up till finally Trini, our Intercambio leader showed up. We waited another 5 minutes just in case anyone else was going to show, but no one did. We picked up one of Trini’s friends before we left the city and then took a 15 minute drive to Monachil, a small town at the base of the Sierra Nevada mountains.

We spent the day hiking on the trails around Monachil. The views were stunning! It was fun to hike in that area because there were parts of the trail where you had to be creative in how you climbed over the many rocks. Trini and her friend, Juan Lorenzo, also took us down into a cave with a waterfall in it. You had to climb over rocks that were so smooth that they were slippery. It was my favorite part. We had a picnic by the river and relaxed and took a siesta in the sun before hiking a little more and heading back to Granada. I really enjoyed hiking today.

Soooo, guess what?!?! My wonderful parents are currently on their way to visit me for 6 days!! They will arrive in Granada around 1 pm tomorrow (Thursday) afternoon. I cannot wait to give them the BIGGEST hugs of my life! I miss them soooo much! Because Mom and Dad are visiting I will be a little too busy showing them around Granada, so please don´t expect me to blog again for another week. 

In parting here is a copy of a hilarious email Maggie (my sister) sent to me. She had tried to help my mother out by showing her a Spanish "cheat sheet" (the basics of Spanish) she had in order to encourage my Mom and Dad to learn some more Spanish before they came to visit. My mother is the one who replied to her...

Sent: March 25, 2012

I sent Mom and Dad a "Survival Guide" handout that my Spanish teacher gave us at the beginning of the semester, hoping that it will encourage them to start learning a few Spanish words, so they won't be complete fools when they come.  Here is how they responded to my e-mail.

No pasa nada
Salud! Jesus!

Mama, Papa

... Oh, they show so much promise.  Ha. :)  Thought you would enjoy that!  Hope you are having fun in Spain!


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