Thursday, February 9, 2012

Back to school again!

Sorry I have not updated the blog for a while, but there really is not a whole lot to report since I last posted. I still have no access to my computer because my computer charger stopped working, but BV is sending me another. I am sooo thankful they are sending me a new one. Classes started this week. They are really not much different than the classes I have taken in the U.S. They are 90 minutes long each. I am taking History of Spain, Introduction to Spanish Business, and POE (it's a composition class) all on Monday/Wednesday. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I have Grammar and History of Art in Spain. Also on Tuesdays I have a 60 minute Tutorials class and on Wednesdays I have  Granada Seminar and Phonetics, each for 60 minutes. I think I will like all my classes pretty well. If you didn't notice, I didn't mention any classes for Fridays, well that is because I don't have classes on Fridays!! Yay! There is a catch to this no class on Friday thing though, there are 4 Fridays during the semester that I do have class, this is to make up for classes that are missed due to breaks. Also, if you haven't assumed already, all my classes are taught in Spanish. This makes the classes all that much harder, but it will also help me to learn the language faster. I noticed today during class that at times I was able to write notes and listen to the professor at the same time. I wasn't able to do this for along period of time, but it is still a step to becoming better at Spanish. I don't have any exciting plans for the friends and I are just going to hang out. I will update you all again next week.

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