Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day to everyone reading this post! I hope it finds you all happy and healthy on this holiday. I am sure most of you are getting quite sick of seeing ads on television, in the newspaper, and other ads for Valentine's Day as I normally am by this time. Thank goodness they will all by gone tomorrow. Some of you may be surprised to find out that Valentine's Day is not very popular here in Spain as it is in the states. I have seen no television commercials or newspaper ads for the holiday. The only way I can tell that Valentine's Day was approaching was from store displays in some (not all) of the stores on the streets of Granada.  Not very many of the stores have displays for the holiday. It seems that most stores are simply ignoring that the holiday exists. Most of the displays that I have seen consist of lingerie and flower bouquets. The push from stores to celebrate the holiday is not very prevalent in Spain as compared to the U.S. One does not feel the need to celebrate the holiday with their significant other as we do in the United States. I have to say that it is refreshing not to feel the push from businesses to spend your money on this consumer-driven holiday. Happy Valentine's Day!

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