Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Here is an update of my time here. My host mom is a widower. Her name is Carmen. She is nice, but she doesn't talk a lot. She has 2 daughters, a son-in-law, and 2 grandchildren. I have met them all. They are all nice. The city is kind of confusing. The roads twist and turn a lot and most of the streets aren't marked with signs. I have gotten lost once so far, but the more I walk the streets the more I begin to understand them.  I live with a girl named Amy, she is from Central. She is very nice and I get along with her well. She, I and another girl named Tesla live near each other and we walked to school together this morning. I like Tesla a lot too. Today for class we had a meeting where we went over more ground rules and helpful information. After that Amy, Tesla, and I headed home for lunch (we have a 35 minute walk). After lunch we had to go back to school to take a level test to help place us into groups to better help us to learn the language. I don't know the results yet. Tomorrow we have another meeting, class, and an excursion to the City Center.


  1. Hi Roseanna! I am loving the blog and can't wait to see when you've posted something new. Keep the pictures and info coming!

    Cindy McDonough

  2. Hello Honey: I can tell by how long of blog you wrote that you are having a great time. Please greet Carmen from Mom and I. It will be fun to see pictures of Granada and Carmen when you have time to post. Love Dad
