Saturday, January 14, 2012

January 14, 2012

Ok, I made it to Granada all in one piece. I had no problems with my luggage. The only problem I currently have is I am pretty jet-lagged and all I want to do is curl up and sleep, but I know that if I would do that that I would probably wake up at 4 am and not be able to go back to sleep, so here is to staying up till 9 pm or so tonight in order to get a full nights rest.
            I was only able to sleep for 3 hours on the plane, which is fine, I’m glad that I was able to get some rest. After the international flight landed in Madrid we went through customs where I received my first international travel stamp in my passport!! Yay! I cannot wait to fill my passport up with stamps from different countries. After customs and the new stamp (yay again!) we (my group and I) sat around waiting for our next flight to Granada. The flight was about 45 minutes long and finally we landed in Granada. Myself, Becca, and 2 other girls took a shuttle straight to our hotel (Hotel Melia) where we checked in, took a small amount of time to check email/Facebook/etc and freshen up and then we were out on the streets exploring again. Three of us has supper in a restaurant called “Telepizza”. It was interesting to say the least…Currently I am in my hotel room writing the blog and I hope to go do a bit more exploring before the night ends.
            Oh! I almost forgot to mention the room Becca and I are staying in! Shame on me! It is a nice room, but an interesting feature is you have to use your room key to turn on the lights. It is different and it took us a minute to figure out. Also we have a fantastic (total sarcasm) view out our window…See the picture below…

            Tomorrow the fun begins, at noon our orientation begins. This is where I will meet my host family for the first time!! It is bound to be exciting!
Becca and I at the Madrid airport after we landed.

  Our hotel room…

 The fancy lights in our room. The top one is for the key and the bottom is the light switch.

 The view outside our room…I am not joking about the view.

 Hotel Melia

  A panoramic view of the street in from of the hotel.

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