Saturday, January 14, 2012

January 13, 2012

Today I am finally embarking on the most exciting journey of my life to date—studying abroad in Granada, Spain.

I reached the Des Moines International Airport from where I flew with a girl from school, Rebecca Vierkandt. On that flight were four other girls that are in our program. They all go to Central College in Pella, Iowa. Our flight was like any normal flight. When we got off the plane I was waiting for Becca in the terminal and also waiting in the terminal was a man who was waiting for his daughter. The daughter happened to be one of the girls in our program and the man was between flights and thought he would surprise her…Oh, did I mention that this man is also the President of Central College? Well he is. So, continuing on…the President of Central College ended up buying lunch for the six of us girls that were together. It was incredibly nice of him. Over lunch he told us more about the program we were in and showed us a few pictures of Granada.
Currently I am on my international flight to Madrid. We should arrive around 10 am tomorrow morning and then Becca and I will take one more short flight from Madrid to Granada.

Adios para ahora! (In other words, good-bye for now!)

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