Wednesday, May 16, 2012

May 16, 2012

Well, the end is nearing. I currently have 8 days left in Spain before I head home. It is both sad and exciting for me at the same time. Sad because I am being separated from my new friends, leaving a wonderful city/country I have come to see as my second home, and I am also saying good-bye to a fantastic chapter in my life. I am happy because I am returning to my friends and family who I have not seen in almost 5 months. I am currently in the last week of classes. I have my Phonetics final tonight and my History of Art final on Friday. My other 4 finals will be next week. Unfortunately, I will probably have to spend most of the weekend studying. :( This is my life currently :) See you all in 8 days! Love, Roseanna

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