Monday, May 7, 2012

YOLO: You Only Lagos Once

Friday May 4, 2012
We rode for 7 hours in the bus, but now I am in Portugal!! Yay! Right away after we got here we went down to the beach. I got to swim in the Atlantic Ocean! It was freezing! There was a large boulder/ice berg-sized rock in the ocean along the beach, and people were swimming out to it, climbing up, and jumping off, so naturally Shannon and I swam out, climbed out, and jumped off. It was sooo much fun! The rock was made out of coral and was really sharp and I ended up cutting up my hands, feet, and legs a bit, but it was worth it. We jumped about 20 feet into the water.

For supper I had a HUGE hamburger. It was so big I could barely grab it with my hands.

Saturday May 5, 2012
I went on the Sangria Sailboat today and they took us sailing for 2 hours. There was unlimited sangria, but it wasn't very strong. They also took us in smaller boats to see the grottos (rock formations). They were gorgeous! I really enjoyed the sangria sailboat.After that we went to the beach for the rest of the afternoon.

Before supper we went to the "end of the world". It is the most western point in Europe and thought to be the end of the world before Columbus discovered America. We watched the sunset there. I was breathtaking.

Sunday May 6, 2012
Today we hit the beach up again. We went to a beach about a half mile away from our hotel. It was a nice beach. You had to walk down about 200 stairs to get to the beach. Walking up the stairs was not incredibly enjoyable.I spent a few hours on the beach with my group of friends. We mostly layed on the beach, talked, and tanned the entire time. So relaxing!!

Towards lunchtime I left with Sabrina, Breann, and Elizabeth to walk into town to grab lunch and explore the city a bit. We got food from the grocery store to make a picnic lunch that we could eat on the pier by the ocean. It was fantastic! After lunch we wandered through some of the tourist shops till we headed back to the hotel. We had a 7 hour bus ride back to Granada and we didn´t get home till 2 am. Overall I am THRILLED I went! It was an amazing weekend!

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