Monday, March 12, 2012

Saturday, March 10--Salobreña

Today I went to Salobreña, a city about an hour southeast of Granada on the coast of Spain. It is a small tourist city, with a population probably no larger than 10,000 people. I went with Tesla and Sabrina (another girl in my program). We went so we could work on our tans a bit. ;)

We took a bus there at 10:15 am, arriving in Salobreña at 11:15 am. We got our bearings about us (barely) and set out to find the castle that is in the city. We didn't have a map and the tourist office was closed for the weekend, so we took a picture of of a map at an information station (I know, this probably wouldn't help us much, but it was better than nothing). At least we knew enough about this castle that we knew we had to climb the Albaycin (neighborhood on a hill) in the city to get to it. We started wandering towards the Albaycin, when thankfully we found a hostel that gave out free maps! Yay! Now, we could at least see where we needed to go!

We set off in the right direction, took a couple of wrong turns, were directed by 4 nice, old men on the way, one who kept yelling "¡Arriba, arriba, arriba!", at us, which means, "Up, up , up!", and climbed too many stairs till we reached the castle. The castle was very small, especially after being in the Alhambra (the castle in Granada), but beautiful. It offered beautiful views of the city, beach,coastline, and mountains. So beautiful! We wandered around the castle for a while, then we walked through the Paseo de los Flores and down a steep pathway to the beach.

Telsa and Sabrina got Cokes at a cafe on the beach and then we set off to find a good spot to lay out on our towels. Unfortunately for us, a large line of clouds covered the sun about 5 minutes after we laid our towels down. With the sun under the clouds the beach was a little chilly and instead of laying out in our swimsuits we laid out for 1.5 hours in our jeans and sweatshirts. After the hour and a half lapsed the sun finally made it's appearance and we got about an hour of sun before we had to leave the beach to catch our bus. Tesla and I attempted to go in the water, but the water was about the temperature of ice water. I made it in up to my knees and Tesla only went in up to her calves. :)

We caught our bus back to Granada after a slightly chilly, but great day!

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