Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Saturday, March 17--Excursion to Sacramonte

Today my Central group took an excursion to Sacromonte and the Gypsy caves. It was an alright excursion. We met at the meeting point (the fountain of Isabel Catolico) and we walked up to Sacromonte. Sacramonte is a group of gypsy homes in caves. All of the caves were carved out of the mountain-side by the gypsies by hand. The caves are generally one room and 6-11 people normally live in these. The kitchen and stables make up 2 separate caves. We also saw the caves used for fabric-making, pottery, and iron/welding. It was a very interesting excursion

That afternoon I studied for my Grammar mid-term with my friend Paul, then went out for chocolate con churros with Tesla and Amy. That night I went out with, Tesla, Shannon, Amy, Sara Ireland, Breann, Holly, and Hope for tapas. We started at a tapas bar known for having large tapas. We were mixing supper and tapas so we didn't spend as much money. We got mini-hamburgers and baked potatoes for our 2 tapas we had there. We attempted to go into Hannigan's, an Irish pub, but it was so full of people that we could hardly go through the door. We ended up at Cafe Futbol for sangria and our telling each other our life stories. Overall it was a great night!

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